You don't
know what to do?

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... or do you have
other problems?

Youth counselling helps!

With a serious problem, you’re pretty much on your own at first. And you don’t know what to do. You don’t know anyone you can talk to about it. Often even your best friend or a close friend does not help, because you have no idea how to start. Or because you can’t be sure that you will be understood correctly.

Youth counselling helps! Free of charge, confidential, near you.



Free of charge

You can find out how it works here...

Youth counselling helps!

Young people can make an appointment with us independently – without being accompanied by their parents – or come accompanied by a person they trust.


We support you, for example, when …


  • things are not going well at school, you have stress with teachers, classmates or bad grades.
  • things are difficult in your family, there is constant nagging and arguing, and you can’t please anyone.
  • there is frustration with friends and girlfriends, you feel left alone …
  • you are dissatisfied with yourself; maybe you don’t like yourself.
  • you have imagined your life quite differently or don’t see the sense of it all.


You can rely on the following:


  • We are subject to confidentiality! Therefore, no one will find out about our conversations if you don’t want.
  • The counselling is free of charge for you.
  • You can contact the counselling centre by phone, email, or in person. You can find counselling centres near you by entering your postal code in the search field.

    You will find more information there, in order to get in touch.
  • The people who advise you here are experts in their field and are very familiar with the questions, problems and difficulties of young people. And they’ll really continue helping you along until you’re sure that you are doing fine and you can manage on your own.

Talk to us! Kontaktwolken Icon

Talk to us! Kontaktwolken Icon

We know how difficult it is to confide in someone you don’t know. Even more so when it’s a about a problem that you don’t know how you’re ever going to solve. Or that is so unpleasant, so upsetting, that you just want to run away.
Many young people like you felt the same way. Until they dared to take the first step. They want to encourage you. And so do we. Because there is someone who really understands and is there for you.

I was nothing but sad ...
Anna, age 12

Anna, age 12

During the time of corona, I felt worse and worse. I was sad most of the time, didn’t like anything about myself anymore and somehow didn’t want to live.
I told that to my parents, who accompanied me to the counselling centre. There, I could speak without them. What made me feel good was not clever tips, but the fact that I was allowed to feel that way for the first time. But now I also know what I am good at and I rarely feel the sadness any more.


I lost my best friend ...
Mark, age 18

Mark, age 18

My best friend took his own life, and I just couldn’t cope. Not at school, not at home … I drank way too much and failed my final exams. I didn’t know what to do and how to deal with it anymore.
At the counselling centre, there was someone who listened to me, didn’t judge me. I was able to grieve for my friend there, sort everything out and set new goals for myself. Things started looking up again and I am so happy.


My parents are mentally ill.
Linus, age 19

Linus, age 19

I grew up with two mentally ill parents who separated when I was ten. A year ago, shortly before my final exams, my mother’s mental health got worse and worse. In the end, I had to have her admitted to the hospital.
After that, I had a breakdown. Everything was too much for me and I felt unable to sit for my exams. I was made aware of the counselling centre by the social worker at the clinic.
Since then, I have received the support there in becoming an adult that my parents cannot provide. I have now completed my graduation, and the conversations help me find out more and more who I want to be and how I want to live. And when I’m in over my head again, I get help to focus on the small steps that I can take.


I bullied someone ...
Veronika, age 15

Veronika, age 15

My first contact with the counselling centre was when I was involved in a case of cyberbullying – as the perpetrator – and felt terribly bad about it. My mother persuaded me to get an appointment in the counselling centre. It felt good to have someone who listened to me and did not judge me for what I did. Together, we worked out what I could do to at least partly make up for what I did wrong. And to prevent something like this from happening again. That has really helped me.

Contact Lupe Icon

Contact Lupe Icon

You decide how the consultation should be – whether in person or anonymous, whether on site or online, if you prefer. Here, you can find the way that suits you best and a counselling centre near you.